step value

英 [step ˈvæljuː] 美 [step ˈvæljuː]

网络  步长; 步进值; 步长值; 步距值; 台阶值



  1. Step number Variable or selection Value Expected result Actual result Pass/ Fail Comments
  2. Each step will add tangible value to your development effort, with minimal disruption.
  3. If the object argument, src, is a simple type, then the second step, serializing the value of the object, is a simple matter of calling the src. toString() method and writing that out.
  4. The default step value is 1.
  5. The convergence rate is very slow for LMS equalizer on UV channel, BER is nearly not affected by equalizer tap numbers and step size has an optimal value.
  6. The working current is regulated with the step panel of maximum value for multi-valued inductance box.
  7. Four years ago the US Treasury took the unprecedented step of guaranteeing the value of money funds to stop a run on the industry and a potential disruption of the ability of non-financial corporations to finance their short-term needs.
  8. Analysis to Setting Calculation on Out of Step Protection Setting Value for Large Generating Units
  9. Of course, sell the good thing in right way is also very important, this is the key step to converted value into monetary.
  10. Invalid return to step value is set in Parameters.
  11. In respect that this algorithm can adjust step automatically, the ultimate step can reach an optimum value and remnant error can arrive at minimum value simultaneity.
  12. Only when the investors pay more attention to the listed company's management behaviors and performances and get the stock's intrinsic value through basic analysis which is taken as the main invest basis, can our country's securities market really step into value invest era.
  13. Objective: To investigate the examination step and diagnostic value of CT for diagnosis of isodense liver cancer.
  14. A one step predictive algorithm of control value for self stable plants was presented. Sequentially a class of self learning fuzzy controller was obtained by using the algorithm.
  15. The process in vertical value analysis is divided three step. Firstly, vertical value chain is ascertain.
  16. For a typical magnetic needle, the initial signal peak became proportional to the velocity step after a threshold value of velocity was over taken.
  17. Moreover, there is an interactive effect between the initial cracking time and resistivity inflexion, as well as maximum heat peak. A ratio of resistivity step/ heat step ( as K value) indicates a relation between early-age deformation and alkali content of cement-based materials.
  18. Then the node described at upper step compares the credence value of all of the nodes in this group and choose one node which owns better credence value to communicate with for service.
  19. Discussion of Step Function and Its Value at Time Zero
  20. And moreover, the sinusoidal vibration test method of the damping coefficient is more scientific and precise than the current method of inputting step value artificially.
  21. In the first, it discusses the fundamental theory for ascertaining of scale sample step in implementing the numerical value of the continuous wavelet transform.
  22. Knowledge application is the key step for knowledge value realization, and it is also the focus of all enterprise knowledge management ( KM) individuals.
  23. Through simulating a working condition by the dissipation model, the influence on simulating result is analyzed from error limit, space step and initial value.
  24. Through defining initial value, step value, time interval and processing time four parameters of controlling program, the waveshape of excitation current can be realized.
  25. With the technology, the wave generated by the system has the qualities of the wide range frequency, small step value, high precision of amplitude and frequency, continuous changing signal phase and good spectrum.
  26. Apparel Terminal Sales ( ATS) is terminal unit of apparel industry chain and the last step of value creation and distribution.
  27. The first step in the process of Value based Management is the evaluation of enterprises 'value.
  28. So, to form business step and confirm value point in every field by core demand study is core job in future market development.
  29. It is illustrated that the small time step may not contribute to the stability of the testing and too many interpolation points may result in the instability of testing when the time scale and time delay of the step response are constant value of the actuator.